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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Morning Darlings

I firmly believe that the only disability in life is a bad attitude.
-Scott Hamilton
Happy Thursday ya'll!

Good Morning Darlings are a new abdominal exercise we will be doing today, see video below!
For Time:
150 x Push-ups
Every minute on the clock you perform 10 x Box Jumps, then continue with your push-ups. The clock keeps running until you are done with 150 push-ups.

Three rounds, for time
•Walking lunges, 50m
•Count # of steps, do that many burpees
•Walking lunges - chest up (no leaning forward), and the back knee kisses (not slams into) the ground. Take big steps, but don't sacrifice quality.

" Leg Day"
4 rounds for time:
1 Suicide
40 Air Squats
50 Walking Lunges (w/empty bar or dumbells backracked)

Bar Burps
Ten rounds for time of:
5x Barbell Burpee Clean & Jerk (135 lb/ 95lb)
20 reverse crunches

Abdominal strength: “Tabata”
Alternating between the following exercises:
-Plank hold
-Flutter kicks

We do lots of squats in BootCamp! they are a fundamental movement in everyday life, as well as in the gym, especially in our workouts. Yet, so many have trouble performing the move correctly. Squat below parallel – All of you can, but you dont! Why, because it’s harder and it hurts. Partial squats are no good and they are not a true test of your squat strength. Do you have a hard time squatting to proper depth? Do you spend any time at all working on your range of motion? Get low today and squat deep! Don't even count the partial ones as reps. Want to do it the right way or the easy way just to check it off and say that you did it?
Movement standard:
Squat - you must reach proper depth. The crease of the hip must clearly dip below the top of the knees on each rep. The hips and knees must be fully extended at the top.
Stay off of your toes when squatting. Butt back and weight on the heels.

Here are a couple reasons why squatting below parallel is so good. Taken from an article on
It is the most primitive movement pattern known to man; our ancestors used to perform many daily functions (i.e. harvesting, gathering, hunting, cooking, eating, etc.) in a full squat position.
Also, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, we spend 40 weeks in the fetal position (which is basically a full squat) prior to entering this world – do we come out with bad knees?
We should strive to train in full ROM for each and every exercise. The squat is no exception
Every exercise produces stress around a joint – the body then adapts to this stress
Contraction of the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the gastrocnemius maintains integrity around the knee joint
Think about it, if you constantly trained in a limited ROM, the likelihood of injury increases if one day you happen to squat beyond your trained ROM
Partial squats performed on a regular basis will decrease flexibility
There is a low incidence of lower back and knee injury in Aboriginal and Oriental societies which perform full squats on a regular basis.

I like for things to happen and if they don't happen I like to make them happen.

 -Winston Churchill

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